3. How to use

This section describes how to compile a code where XcalableMP, XcalableACC, and OpenACC directives exist, and how to execute binary of it.

3.1. How to compile

3.1.1. XcalableMP/C

$ xmpcc a.c

3.1.2. XcalableMP/Fortran

$ xmpf90 a.f90

3.1.3. XcalableACC/C

$ xmpcc -xacc a.c

3.1.4. OpenACC/C

$ ompcc -acc a.c

3.2. About the compile option

A native compiler finally compiles the code translated by Omni Compiler, so all compile options except for options specific to Omni Compiler are passed to the native compiler. For example, when using the optimization option -O2 that is often used, -O2 is passed to the native compiler.

$ xmpcc -O2 a.c

3.2.1. Omni Compiler specific options Classification of options

Omni Compiler specific option is classified into a “common option” and a “unique option.” Moreover, the common option is classified into a “compile driver option” and a “process option.”

  • Common option is an option for all languages and directives.
    • Compile driver option is an option applied to all compilation processes.
    • Process option is an option applied to each compilation process.
  • Unique option is an option for each language and directive.
_images/flow.png Common options

  • Compile driver option
Option Description
-o <file> place an output into <file>
-I <dir> add a list of directories to be searched for header files
-c compile and assemble, but do not link
-E preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link
-v,–verbose print processing status
–version print version
-h,–help print usage
–show-env show environment variables
–tmp output a translated code to __omni__tmp__<file>
–dry only print processing status (not compile)
–debug save intermediate files to ./__omni_tmp__/
–stop-pp save intermediate files and stop after preprocess
–stop-frontend save intermediate files and stop after frontend
–stop-translator save intermediate files and stop after translator
–stop-backend save intermediate files and stop after backend
–stop-compile save intermediate files and stop after compile
  • Process option
Option Description
–Wp[option] add preprocessor option
–Wf[option] add frontend option
–Wx[option] add Xcode translator option
–Wb[option] add backend option
–Wn[option] add native compiler option
–Wl[option] add linker option

For example, if you want to add the option -Ltest to only a linker process, you execute it as follows.

$ xmpcc --Wl"-Ltest" a.c Unique option

  • XcalableMP/C
Option Description
-omp, –openmp enable OpenMP function
–profile scalasca output results in scalasca format for all directives
–profile tlog output results in tlog format for all directives
–selective-profile scalasca output results in scalasca format for selected directives
–selective-profile tlog output results in tlog format for selected directives
  • XcalableMP/Fortran
Option Description
-omp, –openmp enable OpenMP function
-J <dir> specify where to put .mod and .xmod files for compiled modules
-cpp enable preprocess
-max_assumed_shape=N specifies maximum assumed-shape array arguments (default: 16)
  • XcalableACC/C
Option Description
-xacc[=pgi], –xcalableacc[=pgi] enable XcalableACC function. When aading =pgi, PGI compiler is used as a backend OpenACC compiler
–no-ldg disable use of read-only data cache
–default-veclen=LENGTH specify default vector length (default: 256)
–platform=PLATFORM specify platform (CUDA or OpenCL) (default: CUDA)
–device=DEVICE specify device (Fermi, Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Volta, cc??) (default: Fermi)
  • XcalableACC/Fortran
Option Description
-xacc[=pgi], –xcalableacc[=pgi] enable XcalableACC function. When aading =pgi, PGI compiler is used as a backend OpenACC compiler
  • OpenACC/C
Option Description
-acc, –openacc enable OpenACC function
–no-ldg disable use of read-only data cache
–default-veclen=LENGTH specify default vector length (default: 256)
–platform=PLATFORM specify platform (CUDA or OpenCL) (default: CUDA)
–device=DEVICE specify device (Fermi or Kepler) (default: Fermi)

3.3. How to execute

3.3.1. XcalableMP and XcalableACC

Because the runtime libraries of XcalableMP and XcalableACC use MPI, you execute a program by using an MPI execution command, for example, the mpiexec or mpirun command. Except when the runtime library uses GASNet, you execute a program by using the GASNet execution command (gasnetrun_XXX. XXX is a conduit name).

  • Not using GASNet
$ mpiexec -n 2 ./a.out
  • Using GASNet with ibv-conduit
$ gasnetrun_ibv -n 2 ./a.out

3.3.2. OpenACC

$ ./a.out

3.4. Environmental variables


In the XcalableMP specification, * is available in the last dimension of the definition of a node set.

  • C language
#pragma xmp nodes p[*][2]
  • Fortran
!$xmp nodes p(2,*)

Omni Compiler extends the XcalableMP specification to use * except for the last dimension.

  • C language
#pragma xmp nodes p[*][*]
  • Fortran
!$xmp nodes p(*,*)

The valule of the n’th dimension node set is set by using the environmental valiable XMP_NODE_SIZEn. The n is the 0-origin integer number. For example, assume XMP_NODE_SIZE0 and XMP_NODE_SIZE1 are set as follows.

$ export XMP_NODE_SIZE0=2
$ export XMP_NODE_SIZE1=4
$ mpirun -np 8 ./a.out

The above example code is the same as follows.

  • C language
#pragma xmp nodes p[4][2]
  • Fortran
!$xmp nodes p(2,4)

3.4.2. XMP_ONESIDED_HEAP_SIZE (Only GASNet and MPI version 3)

The XMP_ONESIDED_HEAP_SIZE must be set when the following execution error occurs.

[ERROR] Cannot allocate coarray. Heap memory size of coarray is too small.
        Please set the environmental variable "XMP_ONESIDED_HEAP_SIZE"

The XMP_ONESIDED_HEAP_SIZE specifies the memory size that is allocated at the program start for a onesided function. The above error message indicates that the allocated memory size is too small. The default size is 16 Mbytes. If you set a new value, execute as follows.



The XMP_ONESIDED_STRIDE_SIZE must be set when the following execution error occurs.

[ERROR] Memory size for coarray stride transfer is too small.
        Please set the environmental variable "XMP_COARRAY_STRIDE_SIZE"

The XMP_ONESIDED_STRIDE_SIZE specifies the memory size that is allocated at the program start for stride access via coarray (for example, a(1:N:2) = b(1:N:2)[2]). The above error message indicates that the allocated memory size is too small. The default size is 1 Mbyte. If you set a new value, execute an example as follows.


When using GASNet as a onesided communication library, the program allocates the memory size of the value by adding XMP_ONESIDED_HEAP_SIZE to XMP_ONESIDED_STRIDE_SIZE at the program start.