Frontend and backend for XcodeML is called XcodeML-Tools, which is developed on GitHub.
XcodeML Specification
Nightly Build Version (Jul. 9, 2020)All Nightly Build Versions ≫
Stable Version (Jul. 12, 2017) All Stable Versions ≫
The source code of the specification is available on GitHub/omni-compiler/XcodeML-Specification.
- Mitsuhisa Sato, Hitoshi Murai, Masahiro Nakao, Hidetoshi Iwashita, Jinpil Lee, Akihiro Tabuchi. ``Omni Compiler and XcodeML: An Infrastructure for Source-to-Source Transformation,'' Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC16), SwissTech Convention Center EPFL, Switzerland, Jun., 2016. [slide]